Team Values Workshop

Big goals are rarely achieved by just one person. Together extraordinary things are possible.

warrior medicine team values workshop hands fist-bump high-five maximize individual strengths for team successPersonal Values drive your individual strengths, priorities and motivations. During these two one-hour workshops, your team will improve their communication through engaging interactive trainings with an experienced coach. Fueling your company culture with a positive unifying mindset, motivated to reach goals together.
warrior medicine team values workshop talent wins games but teamwork and intelligence win championships michael jordan quote hands together team huddle

Course description:

This two-part workshop was created to help identify an individual's values and learn how to integrate them as natural strengths on your team.

Part 1:

  • Understand what values are and why they matter.
  • Discover your value personality type with a fun interactive quiz.
  • Learn about the four value personality types on a team. 
  • Gain insight into how you prioritize and accomplish goals.
  • Understand what motivates you and others.
  • Try and apply proven methods for effective team communication.

Part 2:

  • Review the four value personality types on a team.
  • Learn how each type articulates their priorities and desires using specific words.
  • Engage in active listening exercises to discover others' value types.
  • Practice effective methods to communicate with each personality on your team. 
  • Discover how your value strengths are an asset to your team's success.
  • Develop a deeper appreciation for and connection with your co-workers.
group hug team building photo sunset on a grassy hill overlooking mountains warrior medicine personal values workshop


warrior medicine team values workshop the 4 value personality types empath expert strategist go getter heart brain chess trophy icons red font

Expected outcome:

Warrior Medicine workshops create a unique opportunity for employees to be acknowledged, appreciated and feel engaged. Identifying an individual's core values fosters transparency and trust within an organization. Unified direction and improved communication relieves stress and builds a positive group outlook for success. 

warrior medicine team values workshop course includes two one hour sessions live on zoom interactive personal values quiz navy blue background

    Contact Warrior Medicine today for further information about how to discover your company's values and each team member's unique strengths.

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